Monday, September 1, 2008


I obviously need to improve my blogging skills because I really don't know how to even write a link.

In any case, I joined the "Daring Bakers Blog" earlier this month and the challenge we had was to make eclairs.

I will post more about the challenge insha'Allah but for now I'll just say that they didn't turn as pretty as I had hoped for but they surely tasted good alhamdulillah!

The chocolate cream that they suggested was to die for.

Oh, also the weird "decoration" is just white and milk chocolate piped in that shape. It was not hard to do at all.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Sometimes, my sadness and I become companions. It stays with me for days and days, refusing to let me go. I talk to it, I even play with it. We have lengthy debates, on why life is so good and why life hurts so much.

My sadness has many different shapes: sometimes it's the anxious one, the numb one, or the angry one; other times it's the "I don't think I can take this pain" type.

I look at myself in the mirror and see the tears rolling down my eyes, while I stay motionless, just staring. And I feel it... and I see it... the pain... in my swollen eyes, in face, in my chest... all over me, rendering me immobile. I scream. I cry and I scream loud, bending forward, imagining the pain goes out with each breath. Can anyone out there hear me? Can someone come and rescue me please? I imagine my mom, holding me, stroking my hear and just telling me that everything will be fine. And me, resting in her arms, feeling safe and loved. God willing my companion will leave. I just need to wait patiently for the sun to come out again.

Have We not expanded for you your breast;
And taken off from you your burden,
And exalted for you your esteem?
Surely with difficulty is ease.
Surely with difficulty is ease.
So when thou art relieved, still toil
And strive to please thy Lord.

(Quran, Chapter 94)